created by Jeremy and Lyneice Doss


Millions of people around the world claim the name of Christ or claim to be christian. This site is for Christians to come together as one in the body of Christ. Some of us may have differences in are faiths or denominations the goal here at Christ First is to get people to read the scriptures for answers about the things God has made clear in his word and and learn not to listen to out side sources that may not match Gods word. We ask that you be respectful of other peoples point of views and enjoy this site. Take it as an opportunity to fellowship, grow and maybe even witness to others in and out of the faith. Have fun!!!
Fellow followers of Christ the time to spread the gospel is now. Let's encourage our brothers and sisters to speak up and keep strong in the faith.

Question of the week

Do you have to be baptized in order to go to heaven why or why not?
ugg boots


  1. You dont have to be baptized to go to heaven. Paul said in 1 corinthians 1:17 Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel.

  2. Jesus saved us from our sins not water.It is faith alone in christ that allows you to enter into the kingdom of God.If you could go to heaven by that, that would say that we have some input in salvation be eph 2:8-9 states it is are faith that comes from his grace not of our selfs so that anyone may not boast about anything that he or she did because the bible also states our rightousness is but filthy rags in the site of god.To say being baptized is apart of getting saved is to call god a liar if he said there is nothing we could have done then there was not 1 thing to be done on our part.In the book of acts people reseved the holy spirit with out before being baptized and we all know when you are saved the holy spirit is doing the work in you that you could not do other wise.(see act 10:44-52) Peolpe that feel this way mean well but this is not fully true.Don't get me wrong I do beleive that every1 should be baptized be cause Jesus commands us to and we should do so but if you don't have the opportunity to do this will we go to hell ask your self that question if I just got saved on an airplane and the plane crashes where will I spend my eternity!!! In hell because I died b4 being baptized I think not. Really think about that people.

  3. No, baptisim is a sign indicating and in response to Jesus saving us. A public display of faith. A symbol of Jesus forgiving us and washing us clean. Jesus works from the inside out, changing our hearts. Baptisim, animal sacrafices and even church do not save you and never have. Only by completely submitting your will to Jesus will one become saved and thus have eternal life. WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO OBTAIN HIS FAVOR! I REPEAT WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO OBTAIN HIS FAVOR! John 1:12,13 Ephesians 2:8,9 Romans 9:15,16 Also check 1 Peter 3:21


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